Sterlite Power launches high performance, ultra low sag carbon composite core conductor: ACCC Ganga ULS

Sterlite Power, a leading global player in power transmission, has launched a carbon composite core conductor solution that will help utilities overcome their toughest transmission constraints across long span river crossings. ACCC ULS Ganga, a High-Performance Low Sag conductor was developed to address the dual challenge of keeping the sag low, while maintaining the same […]
Sterlite Power Launches Low Loss Conductor for Renewable Segment

Sterlite Power Launches Low Loss Conductor for Renewable Segment New product will reduce losses by 40% compared to conventional conductors Conductor will be cost-effective to help companies achieve emission reduction goals New Delhi, 20th January, 2020: Sterlite Power, a leading global player in power transmission, has developed an innovative solution to drastically reduce losses in the […]
Sterlite Power Launches Special Earth Wire for Long Span Transmission Lines

Sterlite Power Launches Special Earth Wire for Long Span Transmission Lines Newly designed solution will provide requisite clearance for long span transmission lines, including those across river crossings New Delhi, 20th January, 2020: Sterlite Power, a leading global player in power transmission, launched a newly designed Special Earth Wire product that enables critical clearance for long […]
Sterlite Power Launches High Performance, Ultra Low Sag Carbon Composite Core Conductor: ACCC Ganga ULS

Sterlite Power Launches High Performance, Ultra Low Sag Carbon Composite Core Conductor: ACCC Ganga ULS Newly designed HPC solution will transform the way transmission lines are built across long span river crossings and hilly terrains Installed on longest quad configuration 400kV span across Ganga New Delhi, 20th January, 2020: Sterlite Power, a leading global player […]